Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Infographics Jayan Narayanan

Are infographics just a pretty way of displaying data? Yes It is and now websites start using it more effectively with make it interactive. In this slides I try to cover the fundamentals and share few good examples I found @ internet. http://www.slideshare.net/jn4deeps/infographics-jayan-narayanan

UX Design + UI Design: Injecting a brand persona! - Jayan Narayanan

UX Brand UI Personality is the platform for emotion UI & UX facets which define the Brand UI design trends & disciplines Understanding the Platform & Tools What is UI design Design for all devices Busting UI Myths Multi Device Experience Understanding UX Design & Process & Workflow What is UX design really means! UX Myths SEO UXD Fight Brand & Branding Injecting attitude http://www.slideshare.net/jn4deeps/ux-design-ui-design-injecting-a-brand-persona

The current state of video viewability in China

China’s online video industry continues to be plagued by viewability and ad-serving issues – and here is why. I recently sat on a panel discussing viewability and ad-serving challenges facing China’s digital advertising industry. This area is still in its infancy in the local market due to regulatory, commercial and technical reasons, however, it is garnering increased attention. This is largely due to multinational companies pushing for the same metrics they are used to using in western markets. Here are some of the key points from the panel. https://www.clickz.com/2016/05/16/the-current-state-of-video-viewability-in-china